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Parcisa launch its brand new website with new design and features

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After several months and huge effort, Parcisa, the company leader in road tankers manufacturing in Spain, being aware of the importance of having a good image online, has a brand new website.

Present online from 2009, Parcisa’s website has suffered several and continuous modifications during all these years, but it is now when the full page has been totally redesigned and updated to be easier and more comfortable for users and customers.

As a result of this,  has moved to a mobile web, with a more comfortable and intuitive browsing among all the different sections and contents for mobile devices such tablets, smartphones, etc.

In this new look and thanks to it, the user will have faster and clearer navigation to reach the section he is looking for, and one of the target points more carefully designed has been the 2nd hand tankers section, because of the constant interest and the amount of visits that this section has.

Constantly updated contents, news about the sector and the possibility of sharing through the social networks, complete this new look of that we invite you to enjoy with us.


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