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Parcisa attends the 19th National Congress of Transport Entrepreneurs in Ciudad Real

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On 22, 23 and 24 May, the 19th National Congress of Transport Entrepreneurs was held in Ciudad Real, which sought to highlight the value of freight transport.
Parcisa did not want to miss this event and we have been present in our exhibition area during the 3 days, talking and showing our new products to customers, suppliers and businessmen. 

One of the most important innovations that we presented was the project called "Parcisa Conncet". This is the implementation of ZF Scalar technology in our tank vehicles. This technology will allow our customers to remotely control their entire fleet, reporting a series of data and tools that will facilitate their planning and routing, improving their service time management, communication with drivers, efficiency in ecological driving and obtaining accurate diagnoses.

In addition to the Technical Conferences, one of the main attractions of the CETM Congress is the Exhibition of Vehicles, Services and Transport Components, as it is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs and transport and logistics professionals to learn about the latest developments and solutions for their businesses first hand.

The event has been a great success, reaching 700 registrations.



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