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Parcisa and the introduction of the 44 tonnes in transport

| read 355 times

At Parcisa, we are always on the lookout for new developments that impact the transport sector, and the recent introduction of 44 tonnes is no exception.

CETM Cisternas, an association specialising in tank freight transport, has analysed how this measure affects companies in the sector, highlighting the advantages of this regulation contained in Royal Decree-Law 3/2022.

Thanks to this modification, vehicles will be able to transport up to 27 tonnes of payload, compared to the current 24 tonnes, which means:
✅ Greater efficiency on each journey.
✅ Optimisation of resources for companies.
Less congestion on our roads.

The study has been carried out with the sponsorship of Parcisa, the truck manufacturer Scania, and the German multinational tyre and service company Continental.

If you are interested in more information about this study, you can find a full special feature in the digital version of the Revista Transporte Profesional.



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