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PARCISA redesing its website with a new design and functionallity

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After several months of intensive working, we are proud to present our brand new website. In Parcisa we are aware of the importance of a good and easy on line presence and so, we work hard to offer the best possible experience.

Presents in the web from 2009, our web site has suffered several and continuous modifications these years, but it’s now when we have totally rebuilt it with a clear objective in mind: the most comfort for internet users. 

As a result of this goal, from now on, has been adapted to all the requirements for having an adaptive and Responsive Web, responding to a new design that guaranties correct visualization and having a comfortable and intuitive navigation in all kinds of devices; from classic computers to laptops, tablets and last generation smartphones.

So, in this new stage and thanks to this integral redesign, the internet user can find a much faster and intuitive access to all the menus that forms our website.

One of these points where our developers and informatics engineers have been focused all their best has been the “2nd hand menu”, due to the constant interest and increasing number of visitors that it has.

The updated news of tankers and vehicles in general with the possibility of sharing it through the different social networks conclude this new image of One new experience that we invite you to enjoy.


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