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PARCISA and DAF: A strong partnership

| read 1907 times

PARCISA S.L.U. and DAF Trucks Spain have joined forces to form a solid and quality partnership.
Thanks to the "ready to go" programme, you can have your tanker vehicle quickly and easily. All you have to do is contact your DAF dealer and register the truck.
The result is a vehicle that combines a premium truck with a perfectly integrated body. The chassis of the new XD and XF exactly match PARCISA's specifications and offer, among many other advantages:
- Premium chassis/body specifications
- An efficient process
- Faster construction
- Shorter delivery times

All with one purpose: the best end product for each customer's needs.
A perfectly prepared vehicle with the following features:
✅Food tank ATP.
✅Constructed in stainless steel AISI-304L
✅17,000 litres divided into 3 independent compartments.
✅Loading system by means of a high hydraulic flow pump.

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