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PARCISA Duotrailer for milk collection and transportation

| read 1792 times

PARCISA S.L.U. is constantly working to offer its customers a product that is perfectly adapted to the needs of the market. That is why we have developed a new type of vehicle called "Duotrailer" for our client, in order to comply with the requirements of the...

  • Reduction of CO2 emissions as a priority set by the EU, an objective achieved by its high load capacity. 
  • Solution to the shortage of professional drivers in the transport sector. 
  • Flexibility in transport, working together or separately just like a road train. 
  • Digitalisation and safety, enabling improvements in operations and profitability.

We present this video of one of these Duotrailers designed and manufactured for our client "SERCISLAT, S.L.", a transport company located in our town, Villarrobledo.
We hope you like it! ????

▶️Video on YouTube:

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