This service is aimed, to improve the coverage to all products that PARCISA has marketed, as located in the area and those who are in the way, and for all types of tanks.
At the same time, it will provide a support and maintenance service “In Situ” to the transport and logistics companies, which due to its location, can be interested. In the installations, repair, maintenance, reviews, sell, rent and other services will be offered.
With this new service, PARCISA expands his coverage level, with a more personalized service, so it already has, with over 16 points of service support in Europe.
Teléfono: +34 982 39 69 80
Móvil: +34 610 598 681 / +34 610 545 075
Polígono Industrial B, nº 18
27373 - BEGONTE (Lugo)