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Interview with Constancio Villodre Rus, Managing Director of Parcisa

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Constancio Villodre, CEO of Parcisa, has given an interview to Nexotrans where he takes stock and forecasts the market.

You can find the interview through the following link:

"In the 2023 financial year, we will end up meeting the objectives set. Not only in the domestic market, but also for our export market where we continue to grow year after year. As for the current financial year, specifically in Q1, we are achieving the targets set in the domestic market".

2.- Your company's sales forecasts for 2024.
The forecasts for this year are somewhat higher than in the previous year, and we will try to exceed 400 units.

3.- Brief explanation of your product range.
Parcisa has been a leader in the stainless steel semi-trailer market for years, both in the food and chemical sectors in all its variants. This allows us to satisfy all our customers, taking into account their needs.

4.- What new developments can we expect in the short term?
Parcisa, as a company policy, always has new projects every year. At the moment we are developing a special semi-trailer, which fits in with the Euro-modular line, with a different configuration to what the market offers. We hope to have the prototype by the end of the year. On the other hand, we have Parcisa Connet, a project together with the ZF Group where we have developed a connectivity system for the semi-trailer, which will facilitate our customer's logistics management and improve their decision-making.

5.- The 44 tonnes are just around the corner. Are you ready?
Yes, absolutely. Parcisa, since the approval of 44 tonnes in our neighbouring country, France, in 2013, began to develop new designs in all its product lines, in order to make its vehicles versatile in both scenarios. Today, taking into account how the draft of this document has been developed, Parcisa can say that its vehicles will be able to adapt to the new regulations without any problems.

6.- How does decarbonisation and the use by trucks of alternative fuels to diesel affect your company?
We have always been sensitive to environmental issues, and before they became mandatory by law, we have been taking steps forward. We have to bear in mind that the transport vehicle does not only depend on the tractor unit, behind it there is a semi-trailer that has to be driven by a diesel engine.



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