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Parcisa | read 76809 times

After several months of development and working in narrow collaboration with our customer Van der Mierden Transport and other components manufacturers, Parcisa together with our distributor in Holland Bouwheer Zeewolde BV, we have presented in the “TRANSPORT COMPLEET” showroom, celebrated in the Dutch city of Hardenberg from the 18 to the 20 of March, a new concept of semitrailer tanker for milk collection, “baptized” with the name of E-RMO and mainly characterized by their excellent manoeuvrability and its commitment with environment. 

With a total capacity of 36,000 litres it will operate for the milky Dutch company Friesland Campina, one of the most important companies of this sector in Europe. 

Its super-compact construction, with barely 12 meters of total length (tractor + semitrailer) plus two directional axes, the vehicle offers an excellent manoeuvrability, allowing easily access to farms with reduced or difficult routes of access. This is thanks to the ETS 2 electronic directional axels system developed by the Dutch company VSE. 

The semitrailer is equipped with a TECMA road train and VDL Weweler suspension, for a maximum payload of 46 tons.

This innovating semitrailer-tanker for milk collection, E-RMO, is equipped with high efficiency solar panels in the top part of the tank, that, in combination with a special generator in the tractor unit, that turns the braking energy into electrical energy, load the 48 volts special batteries that feed the electrical system that drive the milk pump.   This special equipment is able to get a volume of 2,000 litres per minute in an extraordinary silent way. 

Friesland Campina a company very concerned about the protection of the environment and sustainable growth, bets by this type of innovations to investigate the possibilities of increasing the volume of production without increasing (if not reducing) the consumption of energy and CO2 emissions.

This new concept of tanker  has create great expectations in the Dutch milky sector, since it has been patent during the exhibition, where a great number of carriers has visited our stand, showing a great interest by the exposed vehicle.

Video Hardenberg Transport Compleet 2014

Geavanceerde RMO-oplegger van Van der Mierden


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